Port of Vancouver USA

HOLIDAY CLOSURE – CESAR CHAVEZ’S BIRTHDAY – March 31 – The Port of Vancouver USA will be closed for receipt and delivery of cargo on Monday, March 31, 2025 in observance of Cesar Chavez’s Birthday. Vessel activity will not be interrupted.

Education and Workforce Development

Port intern Anna reviews Terminal 1 plans with attendees at the Night Market Vancouver

The Port of Vancouver USA supports the development of a skilled workforce that aligns with regional needs and increases family-wage job opportunities across the port district. In order to accomplish this goal, our team works with our external educational partners to connect our tenants and other stakeholders with the resources and contacts they need to ensure a robust pipeline of available talent in maritime, logistics and industrial industries. According to a recent economic impact study, 24,068 total jobs are associated with port activities.

In addition to the work with our partners and tenants, the port works to identify best practices in our own workforce development efforts through supporting internships, job shadows, and continuing education training opportunities. We also encourage the use of apprentices for those doing business with the port.

Connect with our Educational Partners

High school bridge engineering contest

Access to Talent in Clark County:

Workforce Southwest Washington – Employer and employee assistance, screening, and training

CREDC – Data and Demographics – For more information on education partnerships please contact Monica Santos-Pinacho, Director of Communications msantos-pinacho@credc.org

ILWU Local 4 – Since 1937 ILWU members have been providing skilled labor to the Port of Vancouver and to other northwest ports for the purpose of loading and un-loading cargo for all destinations worldwide.

Higher Education:


Washington State University

As one of six campuses of the WSU system, WSU Vancouver offers big-school resources in a small-school environment. The university provides affordable, high-quality baccalaureate- and graduate-level education along with non-degree certificates to benefit the people and communities it serves. As the only four-year research university in Southwest Washington, WSU Vancouver helps drive economic growth through relationships with local businesses and industries, schools and nonprofit organizations. For more information about engaging with WSU Vancouver, contact Narek Daniyelyan, assistant vice chancellor for strategic partnerships by emailing ndaniyelyan@wsu.edu.

 Clark College



Internships, job shadows, speaking opportunities: Partners In Careers

Work Based Learning Experiences: Career Connect SW WA

For more information on how you or your company can connect to education and workforce resources, contact Mike Bomar, Director of Economic Development at mbomar@portvanusa.com or 360-839-3577.


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Port of Vancouver USA

3103 NW Lower River Road, Vancouver, WA 98660

PHONE360-693-3611 FAX360-735-1565 EMAIL info@portvanusa.com