WVFA Meeting Demonstrates the Power of Successful Partnerships
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) met with the Port of Vancouver on Monday, June 10, to review the progress, management and administration of the port’s TIGER II grant-funded projects.
The grant provided the port with resources needed to complete both the Project 8 Grain Subdivision and Project 19 Gateway Avenue Overpass as part of the West Vancouver Freight Access Project, and to continue to boost the region’s economy.
Both organizations were satisfied by the work completed by the entire Port of Vancouver facilities team and used the visit to reassure the port that the federal agency is a resource as the port continues its construction and design. The port team’s continued progress over the years in terms of vision, planning, grant procurement, engineering design and contract management shows the port is poised for continued success.
The projects the port is building consist of thousands of interconnected elements, all of which must be done at the correct time in the correct order. The Monday meeting demonstrated that the port team and its partners have built a foundation on which success is a natural result.