Wheels are Spinning at the Port of Vancouver!
In celebration of the City of Vancouver’s Bike to Work day today, Port of Vancouver staff members Phillip Martello, Ben Shoop and Kim Shaffer biked to the port’s offices. Luckily the weather cooperated and the trio met at Esther Short Park for breakfast, drinks and giveaways such as tire patch kits, saddle bags and seat covers.
The event was hosted by the City of Vancouver and the Clark County Commute Trip Reduction program, of which the port is a member. The program calls on employers to encourage their employees to drive less often, reducing carbon emissions and promoting a healthy work environment.
This is just one of many examples in which port employees, as well as its tenants and partners, are taking steps to encourage environmental awareness and create a sustainable future. Congratulations, Phillip, Ben and Kim! Let’s hope there’s no rain on your ride home!