The Port of Vancouver USA will make the following adjustment to the port’s Tariff No. 6 effective July 1, 2015:


  1. Increase the following by 2%:
  • Dockage
  • Wharfage (excluding autos which adjust consistent with labor increases)
  • Small Lots Fees
  • Storage & Wharf Demurrage
  • Equipment Rental
  1. Security Fee – Increase from $495 to $550 per 24 hour period
  1. Vessel Lay Status: As required by the Department of Revenue, vessels on lay status over 30 days and being charged over $250 per 24 hour period are subject to leasehold excise tax. We will add this language accordingly. 
  1. Container Free Time: As the tariff currently does not define container free time, we will place that within the container storage section as 10 free days.
  1. Environmental Service Fee: Add a new tariff item that the Port will assess an environmental fee against bulk ore cargoes handled through the Port. The assessed fee will be based on tonnage to stevedore firms, to help compensate the port for environmental compliance programs.
  1. Some of our tariff rates are listed in cents; thus, where a percentage increase does not cause a rate change, the rate will adjust by $0.01 to reflect an overall increase.
  1. The ILWU contract has been agreed to and wages are announced; however, assessment increases are unknown at this time. To provide industry advance notice, we hereby advise that labor & assessment increases are forthcoming and will affect all labor related and service and facility rates.
  1. Tariff Item #332-Rail Fees language may need to be adjusted based on BNSF recently publishing a  new BNSF Switching Book (8005-D) incorporating those customers into this new document. And, either a new link will need to be inserted into the tariff or the current link will be deleted referencing where to find the information to the “current” rail tariff which is separate of the Port’s Terminal Tariff.

Please let us know if you have any questions by calling (360) 693-3611 or via e-mail:

Download Resource PDFJune 16, 2015