Columbia Way Opening Celebrates Old and New
Old met new on Sept. 24, 2015, when a fleet of Ford Model A’s drove down Columbia Way to officially open the new street that will serve as the main thoroughfare through Vancouver’s future waterfront development.
Port of Vancouver USA commissioners and staff joined city staff and other dignitaries at the event, with Commission President Nancy Baker speaking on behalf of the port. “There have just been so many people that have been involved and worked hard on this and worked together,” Commissioner Baker said, thanking everyone involved.
Columbia Way is a new east/west roadway that will service the port’s 10-acre waterfront development as well as the city’s adjacent 32-acre site. The project took place in two phases: a railway phase and a roadway phase.
The railway phase was coordinated by BNSF Railway and included reconstruction of the main rail line from Columbia Street to Jefferson Street, construction of a new earthen berm, and new underpasses at Esther and Grant streets.
The roadway phase included extension of Esther and Grant streets into the new waterfront site, closure of at-grade crossings at Eighth and Jefferson streets, new signal installations, street resurfacing, sidewalks and utility work.
This project was very much a partnership. The port, the city and Columbia Waterfront LLC shared costs for deep stormwater, sanitary sewer and water lines for Columbia Street, Columbia Way and the extensions of Esther and Grant streets.