Port of Vancouver USA requests proposals for waterfront mixed-use development
VANCOUVER, Wash. – The Port of Vancouver USA today released a Request for Qualifications for a proposed mixed-use development at the port’s waterfront property.
The port is seeking proposals from development teams capable of designing, permitting and constructing office, retail, housing, and parking in a portion of the port’s 10-acre site on the downtown Vancouver waterfront.
The port’s property on the Columbia River is a key part of the ongoing revitalization of Vancouver’s waterfront and city center. The port is taking steps to redevelop this gateway property at the entrance to Washington State into a vibrant, sustainable, urban and mixed-use waterfront.
The property, which includes the port’s original marine terminal, will connect to a new waterfront development by the City of Vancouver and Columbia Waterfront LLC, Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, the City of Vancouver Renaissance Bike Trail and the Columbia River.
The port recently announced it would be evaluating the mixed-use development as a potential site for its new headquarters.
RFQ responses are due by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Interested proposers can submit via the port’s eBid website or at 3103 Northwest Lower River Road, Vancouver, WA 98660.
Visit www.portvanusa.com for more about how the Port of Vancouver is investing in our community, supporting the local economy and working with its partners to revitalize Vancouver’s Columbia River waterfront.
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The Port of Vancouver USA is one of the major ports on the Pacific Coast, and its competitive strengths include available land, versatile cargo handling capabilities, vast transportation networks, a skilled labor force and an exceptional level of service to its customers and community. For more information, please visit us at www.portvanusa.com.