HOLIDAY CLOSURE – MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY, JAN. 20 – The Port of Vancouver USA will be closed for receipt and delivery of cargo on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday. Vessel activity will not be interrupted. The administrative office will also be closed.
The Port of Vancouver USA has a transparent budgeting process, which includes annual public review and commission approval. Each October, port staff reviews projected revenues and expenses against the port’s goals and objectives for the coming year and develops a preliminary budget. In late October, staff presents the preliminary budget to the Board of Commissioners at a budget workshop, which is open to the public. Consideration of the preliminary budget is the first official step in the port’s public process of establishing the organization’s budget for the coming year. Following the workshop, during a regular commission meeting, the Board of Commissioners chooses to approve or disapprove the preliminary budget. A public hearing on the preliminary budget is held as part of a regular commission meeting in November, followed by a commission decision on the port’s final budget.
Budget Documents
For Investors
* These sites will require a search for “Port of Vancouver” and may require setup of a free account to view documents.
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