Port of Vancouver USA

Public Records Request

The Port of Vancouver is committed to providing full assistance to those seeking access to port records. As a special-purpose municipal corporation that serves the citizens of Clark County, the port complies with the Washington State Public Records Act Chapter 42.56 RCW.

Submit a Public Records Request through the web form below.

Requests may also be submitted through the port’s designated Public Records Officer at info@portvanusa.com, call 360-693-3611, or submit a Public Records Request Form.

A request for public records should include:

  • requestor’s name and contact information;
  • sufficient description of the public records to aid in the location and production of the requested items; and
  • date of request.

Please read the Fee Schedule for printing and copying details, and review Important Information Regarding Public Records Requests for additional details.

Many public records are currently available on the port’s website at no cost. Examples include the current year’s budget and Board of Commissioners meeting minutes for the current and previous year. 

Keep up on current port events by subscribing to our newsletters and follow us on our social networks.


Port of Vancouver USA

3103 NW Lower River Road, Vancouver, WA 98660

PHONE360-693-3611 FAX360-735-1565 EMAIL info@portvanusa.com