BOC-mtg_02262013-webVANCOUVER, Wash. – The Port of Vancouver USA Board of Commissioners passed a resolution today, reaffirming the port’s commitment to safety and supporting passage of the Crude-By-Rail Safety Act of 2015.

The resolution, passed unanimously at the board’s regularly scheduled April 28 meeting, urges passage of federal regulation and legislation that would help crude oil move more safely from source to market.

“It’s always been our top priority to ensure that commodities at the Port of Vancouver move safely in our community,” said commission president Nancy Baker. “Crude oil is no exception. Supporting federal-level legislation and regulation is one way we can help make sure oil is moved safely not only through Vancouver but through communities across the nation.”

The domestic crude oil market is growing, and two longtime Port of Vancouver tenants are proposing crude oil facilities on port property. Tesoro Refining and Marketing Co. LLC and its partner, Savage Services, have proposed an oil transfer facility known as Vancouver Energy that could be the largest on the West Coast. NuStar Energy LP has also proposed an oil transfer facility using its existing resources.

The port has received a great deal of feedback from the community, local partners and environmental groups about these proposals. It has also observed evolution in the crude oil market and the movement of oil by rail as the industry has grown and adjusted to demand.

The Crude-By-Rail Safety Act of 2015 is being proposed by Washington state U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell, with support from U.S. Sens. Patty Murray (Washington), Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin) and Diane Feinstein (California). It calls for new regulations on rail carriers shipping oil and increased funding for first responder training and emergency response.

– POV –

The Port of Vancouver USA is one of the major ports on the Pacific Coast, and its competitive strengths include available land, versatile cargo handling capabilities, vast transportation networks, a skilled labor force and an exceptional level of service to its customers and community. For more information, please visit us at