Port decommissions 35 groundwater observation wells in Fruit Valley
Late last year, we gave an update on our efforts to clean up pollution that was released decades ago by a company that once occupied what is now Port of Vancouver USA property. Cleanup efforts have been closely monitored by a port contractor and the Washington State Department of Ecology. Tests are showing such positive results that in February, crews were able to remove 35 observation wells used for groundwater monitoring in Fruit Valley.
The wells, which looked like small metal discs in streets, sidewalks and grassy areas, were used to monitor progress on the cleanup efforts. Removal included filling the well casings with a grout-like material, removing surface monuments and repairing the surface from which they were removed. Letters were sent to residents of the Fruit Valley neighborhood to provide advanced notice of the sometimes-noisy work.
The port installed a pump and treat system in 2009 to help treat contaminated groundwater in the Fruit Valley area. Since then, we’ve treated more than 10 billion gallons of groundwater. Shallow groundwater contamination has been reduced by 96 percent and is now limited to a small portion of port-owned property.
Cleanup work continues, and we will keep monitoring these efforts and working with Ecology to ensure our groundwater and nearby aquifers are protected now and in the future.
Detailed information, including test results, plans of action and history, can be found on Ecology’s website.