Gateway Avenue Grade Separation Reaches Critical Milestone
On Thursday, March 28, the Gateway Avenue Overpass project was transformed into the elegant grade separation it was designed to be. The remaining span of the bridge deck was poured, which is a major milestone in the project. The spans are numbered from the south to the north; span #1 has already been poured, while spans #2 and #3 were poured on the 28th.
The pour required 330 cubic yards of concrete, which equaled 33 concrete trucks within the project area. The concrete was supplied by port tenant Glacier Northwest, and the work is being performed by Apollo, Inc. of Kennewick, Washington.
The project, which is part of the greater West Vancouver Freight Access project, is set for completion in June 2013 and builds an overpass that separates vehicle traffic from train traffic below. The new bridge will allow cars and trucks to travel over the port’s growing internal rail corridor while accessing two of the port’s five marine terminals.