photoP16_webJuly 29 marked the first day of mobilization as the second of four phases of the West Vancouver Freight Access Trench project begins construction. Rotschy, Inc. of Vancouver, WA was selected to construct a pile supported concrete structure for a south lead track, which will create a grade-separated new rail entrance into the southeast side of the port.

The first order of business included clearing, grubbing and excavation of the site that will eventually allow full length unit trains to enter the port without impeding upon the existing North/South BNSF rail line that carries both freight and passenger trains almost continually throughout the day. Currently, each time a train enters the port, this line must remain clear while the train is “broken” into pieces that can be processed and staged throughout the terminal.

When fully constructed in July 2014, the structure will allow the port to continue to serve existing customers while attracting new business with the added capacity and efficiency that it provides. Initially, the project will include one new rail line, though the structure and foundation are designed to accommodate two rail lines, allowing for potential future expansion to take advantage of new opportunities.