Commissioners, staff share concepts for port’s waterfront project during Building Industry Association of Clark County dinner
Two Port of Vancouver USA commissioners joined staff members in attending the Building Industry Association of Clark County’s annual Sustainability Showcase dinner on Thursday, Aug. 20, at The Heathman Lodge.
The evening included an opportunity for attendees to browse information booths and learn about energy-efficient windows, insulation and other innovative building materials, as well as gather ideas from local public utilities about sustainable living practices. At the port’s booth, staff and Commissioners Nancy Baker and Brian Wolfe showed the four design concepts for the port’s waterfront project at Terminal 1 and gathered comments and feedback.
Port environmental director Patty Boyden addressed the 130 attendees during dinner to discuss energy-saving programs embraced by port tenants, stormwater treatment on port facilities, and wetland mitigation bank credits available to local developers. She emphasized that sustainability goals are a priority for the port’s waterfront project.
The port co-sponsored the evening along with Parr Lumber.