Partnership with Southwest Washington Stormwater Partners brings “Fix That Leak!” event to Port of Vancouver USA
On Wednesday, June 20, port staff and tenants were able to check on the status of their vehicles with the Southwest Washington inaugural “leak check” event as part of the Don’t Drip and Drive campaign.
More than a dozen participants pulled their cars up to a “leak check” station near the port’s administrative offices where port and Watershed Alliance volunteers were standing by to see if there were any visible vehicle leaks. In addition to getting a free check up for their vehicle, they also received a coupon for a 10 percent discount for repairs, up to $50, to be used at participating car shops throughout Clark County.
Vehicle leaks can often be a sign of bigger problems, so ignoring them can lead to major, expensive repairs. They are also a significant source of water pollution. A 2013 Puget Sound study estimated that 66 percent of oil pollution entering Puget Sound comes from small vehicle leaks and drips.
We are proud to partner with Clark County, Vancouver Watershed Alliance and other stormwater partners to bring the Don’t Drip and Drive event to Clark County—and to keep our stormwater runoff clean all year round.
For more information on how you can fix your leaks and protect our watersheds, visit the Stormwater Partners of Southwest Washington website.