Environmental Impact Statement Up Next For Proposed Oil Facility
The State of Washington Energy Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) concluded its public scoping comment period on an application by Tesoro-Savage for a crude oil handling facility at the Port of Vancouver. The scoping comment period for written and oral comments was scheduled October 3 through November 18, but was extended to December 18 to allow for an additional public meeting in Spokane, Washington.
EFSEC is responsible for evaluating energy facility applications to ensure that all environmental and socioeconomic impacts are considered before a site is approved. The Council will now prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to ensure that all pertinent environmental issues are addressed thoroughly. The public will be notified when the draft EIS is ready and public hearings will take place for additional testimony. More information about the EFSEC process can be found here; and you can also review the Tesoro-Savage application and all scoping comments received.