Port Employees Continue Long Tradition of Giving Blood
The Port of Vancouver and American Red Cross have been hosting blood drives at the port for over 13 years. On August 28, port employees, their family members, and several port tenants donated an impressive 11 units of blood. Patients in Vancouver and Portland most likely received the donated blood within about one week’s time.
Thanks to the excellent organizational efforts by the port’s Administrative Supervisor Betsy Rogers, it’s easy for interested parties to participate during the onsite blood drives twice a year. And there are lots of perks to giving blood.
The most important is saving a life; each donation can save up to three lives. Another perk, is the colorful – and very fashion-forward – arm bandage that brightens just about any outfit; and lastly, as a thank you for donating blood, juice and cookies are provided to help replenish the body’s fluids.
During the most recent blood drive, special recognition goes to Renee Shanholtzer, port security chief, for giving a unit of blood (that’s about a pint), in record time at four minutes and 38 seconds! We appreciate Renee’s no-nonsense, get-it-done approach to everything she does.
Thanks to everyone who donated blood and helped save a life.