Multi-Use Path Along Lower River Road On Track
The Port of Vancouver USA is installing the next segment of bike and pedestrian pathway along Lower River Road/SR501. The port is receiving bids from contractors through November 8, and pending the outcome of the December 11 commission meeting, construction of the trail could begin shortly thereafter.
The 12-foot wide path will run for a quarter mile along the south side of NW Lower River Road (SR-501) and be separated from the road by approximately 16 feet of native plantings. The trail is part of a long-term plan by City/County Parks to ultimately connect the path currently running through downtown Vancouver to the Frenchman’s Bar Trail near the flushing channel and Vancouver Lake.
The project is set to be complete by the end of winter 2013. The construction of this trail will allow Vancouver residents to safely bike or walk along port property and view wildlife and the wetland mitigation bank to the north and port operations to the south.