Safety Comes First as Port Reaches 500,000 Work Hours for WVFA Project
The Port of Vancouver USA has proven that safety is a top priority when it comes to its West Vancouver Freight Access project. The port reached yet another milestone this week when approximately 500,000 work hours were completed on the project since construction began in 2007. During those hours, there is a record of only 32 work hours lost due to injury, which is just one of many examples demonstrating the port’s commitment to a safe work environment.
A Tool Box Safety Program, which specifies guidelines for working on the WVFA project, has also been implemented as part of the port’s continuous efforts to provide a safe workplace. The program leads port staff, contractors, service providers, tenants and customers working on and around the WVFA project through a brief presentation and ongoing training on expected safety protocols. Upon completion, participants receive a special WVFA Safety Program hard hat sticker indicating they have received the training. Here’s to helping the port keep safety on track.