Trench Project Continues West as Water Levels Rise
The West Vancouver Freight Access trench project is continuing west as H-piles closest to the ordinary high water mark along the Columbia River were successfully driven under the BNSF and Union Pacific Railroad’s north/south mainline on the Columbia River Rail Bridge.
River levels rose more than four feet in the last week, and as river levels rise crews are working to finish driving vibratory piles in areas that may become submerged. A total of 275 H-piles will be driven as far west as the corner boundary of port property where Pacific Coast Shredding’s facility is located. To date, 95 H-piles have been installed.
The driving of piles, part of the project’s Design Package 1, is scheduled for completion by February 28, 2013, the same day the in water work window ends. Later stages will build the water-tight concrete layer, or “trench” that will house the new rail tracks entering the port.