New security building keeps the port, and its birds, safe

Taken on Earth Day 2014, the photo shows film in the process of being installed. (The door and side window are awaiting film installation, as seen on the remaining windows.)
The port’s location along the Pacific Flyway, a north-south migratory flight path, coupled with its proximity to the Columbia River and Vancouver Lake, makes the area ideal habitat for many types of migratory and resident birds. It also increases the importance of bird-friendly buildings, a concept based on the link between avian injuries and building strikes.
The port made sure to include these bird-friendly efforts in the construction of our new state-of-the-art security building. Port security staff had been headquartered in a small portable building, but recently moved into a larger, more permanent structure near the port’s maintenance building at Terminal 3. Windows at the new building were covered in a special film that eliminates the reflective nature of glass – which is a major cause of bird collisions. The film makes the windows visible to birds, yet does not obstruct views from inside the office. The film is also LEED tested and provides energy savings benefits.
For more information about what you can do to protect birds, download our Bird Friendly Buildings Flyer or Bird Friendly Building Design booklet or email port Environmental Project Manager Matt Harding.